In this paper, the main progress and achievments of research workof medical entomology in China is intrduced.1. Taxonomy and FaunaThe number of species and subspecies of different kind of sucking blood in-sect of medical importance to be reported in China so far are as follows: mosqu-itoes (near upon 350), fleas (near upon 540), biting midges (about 320), deerflies (about 400), sandflies (about 40) and black flies (about 90). The faunaof Siphonaptera of China was published in 1986. The draft of fauna of Culicidaehas been finished and the faunas of Tabanidae and Phlebotomidae of China arebeing compiled. A few of endemic faunas of insect of medical importance havebeen published in recent years, such as the flea fauna of XinJiang and the mosq-uito fauna of Guizhou, etc.Some of biochemical, genetical and mathematical methods have been appliedto attempt to classify and identify the sibling species and subspecles which aredifficult to be solved by traditional method. Recently a Chinese Culicidae expertsystem (FCUES) by computer has been established.2. Physiology and EcologySome important species of mosquitoes, fleas. house flies and cockroaches havebeen reared successfully in laboratory and large numbers of standard specimensfor research on ecology and control can be supplied. Especially, the technique ofrearing oriental rat flea and suslik flea sucking blood through the artificial me-mbrance, has been reached the advanced leve in the world.Study on ultrastructrue of antennal receptors of Aedes albopicts,, Musca dom-estica and Perilaneta americana and influences of different factors on their ele-ctroantennogram and fooding behaviour have been observed. The overwinteringof Anopheles sinensis, Culex tritaentorhychus. Citellophilus tesquorum sungaris and Phlebotomus chinensis, etc. in China have been studied deeply.3. Relation to Disease The species and their important ecological characters of the main vectors ofmalaria, filariasis, Japanese encephalitis, dengue, plague and leishmaniasis by in-vestigation for many years i
Entomological Knowledge