1986年5月,从云南勐腊采回一批虻标本,经整理、鉴定,有2新种,现描述如下。模式标本保存在军事医学科学院。勐腊麻虻Haematopota menglaensis,新种(图1—4) 雌体长11~12mm,翅长11~11.5mm。 头:额灰黄色,高略大于基宽,为顶宽的1.5倍,基胛大,两侧接触眼。
Two new species of Tabanidae from Yunnan Province are described in this paper. The types are deposited in the Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Bei jing.Haematopota menglaensis Wu et Xu, sp. nov. (Figs 1-4)This new species is similar to H. kerri and H. bealesi. but distinguishable from them in the following aspects: 1) H, kerri without black interantennal spot, two thirds of fore tibia white at base; 2) H. bealesi with thinner scape and five sixths of fore tibia white at base.Holotype (?) , Mengla County, Yunnan Province, Ⅴ -15-1986; paratypes 2 (?) (?), same data as holotype.Tabanus subfurvicaudus Wu et Xu, sp. nov. (Figs 5-7)This new species is similar to T. furvicaudus, T. agnoscibilis and T. tamthaiorum, but distinguishable from them in the following aspects: 1) T. furvicaudus with wider frons, golden body, black mid- and hind femur; 2) T. agnoscibilis without marginal and 1st submarginal cell tinted brown; 3) T. tamthaiorum with golden body and wider frons.Holotype (?) , Mengla County, Yunnan Province, Ⅴ -18-1986; paratypes 3 (?) (?) , same data as holotype.
Tabanidae, new species.