世界 4是指继物质世界、精神世界和客观知识世界之后 ,借助电脑网络、电子通讯、虚拟技术及人类丰富的想象力将光、电、色、能、数字与信息集于一体 ,将宇宙万物和人类社会的政治、经济、科学、文化、日常生活缩合为一 ,构建的一个美妙神奇的新天地。它是对塞博空间、虚拟现实、网络世界和信息社会等“新实体”的综合。其实在性主要体现为有得以存在的物质基础———信息和网络 ;有其存在形式———塞博空间和塞博时间 ;有其存在的认识论和本体论根据。它与世界 3具有质的区别 ,突出地展示了人的主体性、想象性、虚构性。
World 4 is a new world that is constructed by mankind with computer network, telecommunication, virtual technology, and the great power of imagination, on the basis of the three worlds pointed out by Popper. It is a new synthesis of cyberspace, virtual reality, network world, and information society. It integrates light, electricity, color, energy, figure and information together, combines universal things and human social politics, economics, science, culture, and daily life into one. The main representation of its reality is that its material base is information and computer's network; its form of existence is the cyberspace and cyber-time; The Philosophical epistemology and ontology its basis of construction. There is an essential difference between world 4 and world 3 in that it sets outstandingly out the subjectivity,human nature and free will.
Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)