目的 :对前来心理咨询的青少年的心理状况进行分析并探讨其影响因素。方法 :使用精神症状自评量表(SCL 90 )、艾森克人格问卷 (EPQ)。结果 :在 6 5名来诊青少年中较常见的症状为强迫 (2 96分 )、焦虑 (2 83分 )与抑郁 (2 81分 )。以女生常见而严重 ;均以N型人格及E内向型占多数。结论 :青少年中较常见的心理症状为强迫、焦虑与抑郁。
Objective: To analyze the psychical condition of the youth coming to the hospital for psychical counseling,and to explore risk factors of the youth's psychical disorder.Methods: To use Self-Reporting Inventory and Eisenc Personality Questionnaire.Results: Among 65 young men,the most familiar personality type is N type and diffidence of E type.Conclusions: In the younth,the familiar psychical disorder is obsession,anxiety disorder and depression.The badness personality is risk factor to the psychical disorder of the youth.
Guangzhou Medical Journal