针对当前化工事故频频发生,化工安全问题亟待解决,但是员工培训多数局限于理论,真正在工厂亲身经历开停车、检修和紧急事故次数极少的难题,开发了一套基于Unity平台的球罐泄漏虚拟场景。系统使用3DS Max软件建模,Unity的PBR物理渲染、GI实时渲染、Shader着色器对场景中各物体进行绘制,Shuriken粒子系统进行特效制作,C#语言编写脚本来调用各种效果和实现数据的输入输出,GUI实现界面交互。通过连接外部设备HTC Vive进入虚拟场景,在虚拟的化工厂区漫游,真实体验化工事故的发生过程。
In chemical industry,accidents happen frequently.Chemical safety issue is of great significance,but staff training is largely confined to the actual experience of the factory startup &shutdown,maintenance and emergency.In this paper,we propose a set of virtual tank leakage scene based on Unity platform,using the 3DS Max to build the model,Unity's PBR physical to render,shader to draw the object on the scene,particle system for special effects,C#language script to call a variety of effects and realize the input and output data,GUI to realize the interactive interface.Operators can enter the virtual scene by connecting an external device HTC Vive,and roam in the virtual chemical plant,with a real experience on the chemical industry process of the accident.
Journal of Qingdao University of Science and Technology:Natural Science Edition