对 3种密度进行栽培试验 ,利用通径分析的方法 ,研究了水曲柳地下竞争和地上竞争的关系及对总竞争的影响。结果表明 ,水曲柳苗木的地下部分生物量、地上部分生物量和总生物量与营养空间有密切关系。随着苗木空间距离增加 ,由生物量计算的竞争指数下降。在同一密度条件下 ,地下竞争指数明显大于地上竞争指数。由于地下生长与地上生长的相互作用 ,各竞争指数之间具有明显的相关性。但是地下竞争和地上竞争对总竞争的影响是不同的 ,通径分析可以定量的区分地下竞争和地上竞争的相对大小。地下竞争对总竞争的直接作用范围在 0 .5 5 4 3~ 0 .742 6之间 ,明显大于地上竞争对总竞争的直接作用 ( 0 .2 85 1~0 .5 2 82 )。随着距离的增加 ,单株苗木的生长空间加大 ,地上部分的竞争作用增加 ,地下部分的竞争程度减弱。但是 ,地下根系的竞争在水曲柳苗木总的竞争中占有重要地位。
Competition among individual trees in a stand is an important ecological and physiological feature in term of its role on the pattern of carbon allocation and productivity. Competition happens between above- and bellow-ground parts of trees for light and soil resources. Some species are stranger above-ground competitors, some others are more able with their below-ground parts. Both above- and bellow-ground competitions vary with stand densities, development stage, and the allocation of available resources to above- and below-ground spaces. Quantitative study on the contribution of below- and above-ground competitions to general competition among trees is challenging, and is much more important for understanding the pattern of carbon allocation and productivity in forest stands. To quantify the competition from above- and bellow-ground among individual plants, we conducted an experiment with seedlings of Mandchurican ash (Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr.). Seedlings were grown in sandboxes with three spacing (20,30,and 40cm, respectively) for 3 years, path analysis was employed to study both relationship between below- and above-ground competitions, and their contribution to general competitions among individual seedlings. The results show that there were close relationships between root mass, shoot mass and total mass of ash seedlings and the growing space. With wider spacing, the average increment of fine roots, coarse roots, and shoots of the seedlings was relatively higher than that with narrow spacing, and the biomass of each component was greater. As the distances among individual seedlings extended from 20cm to 30cm, and 20cm to 40cm, the fine root mass and leaf mass increased by 25.0% and 28.9%, 28.8% and 47.1%, respectively, suggesting that fine roots and leaves were sensitive to spacing. The competition index, calculated by root mass, shoot mass and total mass, decreased as the spacing increased. The index of above- and below-ground competition decreased by 14.62% and 14.24%, respectively, as the spacing
Acta Ecologica Sinica
国家重点自然科学基金资助项目 ( 3 0 1 3 0 1 60 )
国家重点野外科学观测实验站帽儿山站资助项目( 2 0 0 1 CCBOO60 0 )
国家"十五"科技攻关资助项目 ( 2 0 0 2 BA5 1 5 B0 5 0 3 )~~
Fraxinus mandshurica
below-ground competition
above-ground competition
path analysis