目的 调查某市医务人员感染严重急性呼吸综合征(severe acute respiratory syndrome,SARS)的途径及危险因素。方法 对直接参加过抢救和间接接触SARS患者而被感染的医务人员采取统一填表、座谈、走访、电话采访等方式进行调查。结果 调查三所医院感染SARS的医务人员共88人,占全市发病医务人员总人数的87.13%。导致医务人员易感的原因是:对疾病缺乏认识,防范意识不强;管理网络不健全;患者隐瞒流行病史;隔离环境及防护用品达不到要求等。结论 重视医院感染管理及对医务人员的医院感染知识培训,强化消毒隔离和自我保护意识,是控制医院感染流行及保护医务人员的有力措施。
Objective To investigate the transmission route and risk factors of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) among health care workers (HCWs) in hospitals of a city. Methods HCWs who participated in the treatment of patients or indirectly contact with patients were investigated by filling forms, informal discussion, visiting and telephone interview. Results Eighty-eight HCWs in three hospitals developed SARS, accounting for 87.13% of the total HCWs infected with SARS in the city, the susceptible factors were: inadequate knowledge of the SARS, the insufficient management, conceal of the history of epidemic, improper isolation and prevention measures. Conclusion Nosocomial infection management and training of HCWs about knowledge of nosocomial infection should be strengthened, the HCWs awareness of disinfection, isolation and self-protection should be enhanced.
Chinese Journal of Infection Control