现代远程教育这种新型的教育形式 ,是构筑知识经济时代人们终身学习体系的手段。它从根本上改变了传统教育的弊端 ,突破了传统教育的时空局限 ,极大地利用了教育资源 ,激发了学生学习的主动性与创造性。现代远程教育的特殊性使教师与学生都能充分发挥各自的主动性。但如何进一步解决好教与学的问题 ,仍然是教师和学生共同面临的新课题。
Modern long-distance education, the new educational model, is a way to build up a lifelong educational system in the knowledge economical age. It basically avoids the abuse in traditional education, takes advantage of the educational resources and motivates the students' creative ability. The characteristic of the modern long-distance education is to let both teachers and students develop their initials. So how to solve the problem of both teaching and learning is a question for us to discuss.
Journal of Tianjin Adult Higher Learning