刘渡舟教授一生致力于《伤寒论》的研究 ,为我国著名的中医学家、伤寒论研究大家 ,上溯歧黄之道 ,下逮诸家之说 ,力倡仲景之学 ,博采众长 ,学验俱丰 ,形成了独特的学术思想体系。其六经实质论、方证相对论、辨证知机论、古今接轨论、气机论、火热论、水气论、肝胆论等从不同的侧面展现了刘渡舟对《伤寒论》研究的深隧的学术思想内涵 ,以及对伤寒论学说的发展和延伸。刘渡舟教授治学严谨 ,学术上光明坦荡 ;为人师表 ,诲人不倦 ;医德高尚 ,济世救人 ,不分贵贱贫富 ,一律仁心相待。著书立说 ,笔耕不辍 ,倾囊而授 ,成绩翡然 。
Professor Liu Duzhou, a prominent TCM doctor in China and a great master of the study of Treatise on Exogenous Febrile Diseases, has devoted his whole life to this study. Being an advocator of Zhang Zhongjing's theories, he is experienced both in theory and practice by learning from others, and has developed a unique system of academic theories of his own. His theory of the six meridians, theory of the correspondence between prescriptions and syndromes, theory of pathogenesis in accordance with differentiation, theory of the integration of ancient and modern medicines, theory of vital energy, fire-heat theory, water-qi theory, and theory of liver and gall bladder have reflected his profound scholastic ideas from different aspects, and are also an extension of theories in the Treatise. Professor Liu Duzhou is strict with scholastic research, frank and openhearted academically, worthy of the name of teacher and tireless in teaching. He is noble and kind in his medical aid to people. He keeps writing books and putting forward doctrines, and has made great achievements. He is the model for everybody.
Journal of Henan University of Chinese Medicine
Liu Duzhou
study of Treatise on Exogenous Febrile Diseases
theory of the six meridians
theory of the correspondence between prescriptions and syndromes
theory of pathogenesis in accordance with differentiation
theory of the integration of