目的 探讨大学青年教师心理健康状况。方法 采用精神症状自评量表(SCL—90),对广东四所高校的356名青年教师进行问卷调查,并与国内常模和广东地区中小学教师心理健康状况进行比较。结果 大学青年教师的心理健康状况比常模和中小学教师差;不同性别、学历、职称之间比较,均存在一定程度的差异。结论 大学青年教师的心理健康状况不容忽视。
Objective To study mental health state of young teachers in university. Method 356 young teachers in 4 universities in Gongdong were assessed with SCL-90. Results The young teachers' mental health states in university were worse than Chinese norm and that of primary - middle school teachers in Gongdong. There was some difference between sex, educational degree and title. Conclusion Young teachers in university need more help to improve their mental health.
Sichuan Mental Health