The according to the major type of copper deposits,geological characteristics ,tectonics and the foundation have most favorable mine geology districts , the forecasting that further looks for the copper range has been made , the major type of Xinjiang copper deposits can be divided into 5 larger types 11 smaller types by means of holding ore rock and prospects environment, which including mafic -supers mafic nature of rock relating the copper mineral deposit greatly, the copper deposit that relating to and the copper deposit that relating to the volcanic rock, the co pper deposit that related to mixing with deposit and hot liquid ,copper mineral deposit related with the clastic rock of land facies are. In general , the studied degree of Xinjiang copper is relative lower , the various metallogenic province and all kinds of types for copper deposits having metallogenic prospects, Western Mts. of Altai and eastern western Tianshan and western Kunlun districts having the most latent capacity of copper foundation . Porphyry ore deposit marine marine volcano deposit -the skarn ore deposit marine deposit hot liquid as well as copper and nickel mixing are the most potential area .
Xinjiang Geology