根据塔机起重臂的实际结构 ,建立双弹簧悬吊超静定简支梁的力学模型 ,进行动态分析 ,并以TC80型塔式起重机为例 ,利用有限元方法求解 ,引入梁单元和边界单元 ,得到塔机起重臂的多阶固有频率和主振型 。
A mechanical mode of a hinged cantilever girder with two springs suspended is brought forward based on the actual structure of a derrick runway girder and is studied with dynamics in this paper. Having an example of TC80 derrick, many order natural frequencies and principal mode are obtained by finite element method. The result of the dynamic analysis has practical sense to the dynamic response analysis of the derrick.
Journal of Taiyuan Heavy Machinery Institute