目的 探讨放射性核素^(90)锶或^(90)钇对尖锐湿疣的疗效。方法 对58例经临床和病理证实的尖锐湿疣患者进行了放射性核素^(90)锶或^(90)钇皮肤敷贴器治疗。每个病灶照射剂量为2.1~3.0GY/每次,7~10次为一疗程。结果 58例全部治愈,治愈率100%,全部患者进行了3个月到1年以上的随访,未见复发病例。结论 放射性核素^(90)锶或^(90)钇皮肤敷贴器治疗尖锐湿疣是一种较为有效的方法。
Objective To investigate the effect of radionuclide90 Sγ/90 Y in treatment the molluscum contagiosum . Methods 58 Patients with molluscum contagiosum which determined by clinical and pathologcal method were underwent radionuclide90Sγ/90Y skin Patched therapy . In every focial, the dose was 2.1 -3.0GY/p for 7-10 days.Results 58 Patients were all healed. The healing rate was 100% . All patients were followed up form over 3 monthes to oneyear. None was recurence. Conclusion Treating molluscum conta-giosumwith radionuclide90Sγ/90Y. skin patca therapy is an effective method.
Journal of Heze Medical College