上海地区深部土层⑦⑧⑨层埋深在30~70m。对其压缩模量Es的定值问题,现行《上海市地基基础设计规范》(DGJ08 11 1999)(后文中简称《规范》)长期以来确定室内试验E0 1~0 2值为沉降计算值,导致沉降计算值与建(构)筑物实际沉降量之间相差2~8倍。为符合规范的变形要求,设计人员不得不采取桩加粗、加长、加密的办法,从而造成桩基投资的极大浪费。为了正确认识深部土层的Es值,上海岩土工程界进行了多种形式的试验研究。近年来,笔者结合上海高、大、深、重建(构)筑物的工程实践,深入进行上海深部⑦⑧⑨层压缩模量Es的试验研究,获得许多新的认识,对其定值问题作了研究,提出⑦⑧⑨层的建议值,供同行参考研讨。
The deep soil layers ⑦,⑧ and ⑨ in Shanghai are at the depth of 30~70m, their compressive modulus are always determined by the laboratory test value E0.1~0.2 according to the current norm. The method causes the settlement of calculation different from the practical value in 2~8 times. To obey the settlement requirement of the norm, designers have to make piles larger, deeper and denser, and therefore the costs are great waste obviously. Geotechnical technicians in Shanghai have conducted a series of tests to understand the Es of the deep soil layers better. In recent years, the authors also take some comprehensive research on the problem in relevant high, big, deep and heavy projects. In the paper, the recommended values of the deep soil layers ⑦,⑧ and ⑨ are presented for references.
Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology