针对烤烟炕房干、湿温度测量问题 ,研究应用以 PIC系列单片机为核心的智能型干、湿温度双路测温仪 ,有效地保证了测温方便、准确 ,提高了烟叶的初烤质量。仪器结构简单 ,成本低廉 ,操作方便。也可推广应用到其他需要测量干。
This paper is aimed at testing the temperature of the air and the moisture in the tobaccofluecured room, studies the twoway intellectual psychrometer which is centered on PIC series chap microprocessor It assures the convenience and accuracy of testing and improves the quality of tobacco baking,the structure is simple,cheap and easyoperating Any places that need to test temperature of the air and the moisture can also use it
Modern Electronics Technique