计算机公共基础的教学质量是高校计算机基础教学与应用水平的一个重要指标。目前该课程的内容单一 ,基本停留在技术扫盲层次 ,尚未上升到信息素养的要求 ,迫切需要将其提升为一种文化教育的高度。本文阐述了计算机公共基础在现阶段的教学改革方向 ,提出了文化特性是当前教学改革的目标 。
The quality of computer fundamental courses is a symbol of computer teaching and applications in universities. There exist some serious problems in the current courses of computer literacy, and they need to be revised sharply. The paper proposes that the cultural characteristics should be emphasized in the courses, and moving from computer literacy to computer culture is a good way to make the revision. The paper also discusses some content of computer culture.
Journal of Changzhou Institute of Technology
江苏省新世纪高等教育教学改革工程项目"基于网络环境的计算机基础教育远程教学体系的研究"(项目编号 :SJG_1 83)资助