在单因素实验基础上,利用RSA中Plackett Burman设计,得出竹叶黄酮最佳浸提条件为:总浸提时间6h,乙醇浓度64%,pH值10.5,浸提温度80℃,料液比1∶30,浸提2次。
On the base of the single factor experiments and the PlackettBurman design in the RSA soft,the paper concludes the main factors of the extraction of the bamboo leaves flavonoids,they are the total extracting time,the content of alcohol and pH value,Then though the BoxBehnken design,the desired conditions of extraction are concluded.They are 6 hours of the total extracing time,64%of the clachol content,10.5 of the pH value of the alcohol,80 ℃ of the temperature,1∶30 of the ratio of material to lcohol,twice of the extracing times.
Journal of Tianjin University of Light Industry