利用土柱实验装置模拟CO2 在土壤中的迁移转化规律 ,重点研究湿润峰处水、气二相间污染物转化 .实验土柱长 1m ,过饱和CO2 溶液浓度为 748mg/L .分析表明水相运移受对流、弥散、反应及水 气质量传输机制控制 ,气相运移受对流、扩散和水 气质量传输机制控制 .对土柱中水气二相动态条件下的取样方法进行了探索 ,确定了CO2 在渗透湿润峰水 气二相间分配系数为 0 0 0 0 61 ,表明水相向气相有一定传输 ,但不显著 .
The migration of CO 2 in soil was simulated through use of soil column, especially the transformation of CO 2 between water and gas phases at wetting front was studied. The soil column in the test was 1m long and the concentration of CO 2 solution was 748mg/L. Through analysis, it was shown that CO 2 migration in water phase was governed by advection, dispersion, reaction and mass transfer between water and gas phases, that in gas phase by advection, dispersion, mass transfer between two phases. Sampling method under dynamic condition of two phase flow in soil column was approached and mass transfer coefficient from water phase to gas phase was determined as 0 00061. This showed that there was certain mass transformation of CO 2 from water phase to gas phase and yet it was not so significant. This study can provide the quantitative scientific bases for safety assessment of geological disposal of low and intermediate level radioactive waste and environmental impact assessment of solid waste disposal by landfilling.
Environmental Science
高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目(1 9980 0 2 71 2 )
国家自然科学基金项目(4 0 2 72 1 0 7)
中国辐射防护研究院国际合作项目(CJ2 A 7)