通过实验室条件下的秸秆还土试验 ,比较了转基因克螟稻及其亲本稻秸秆对土壤各微生物生理群的数量、土壤酶活性以及土壤呼吸强度的影响差异。与亲本对照相比 ,转基因克螟稻秸秆的添加对土壤好氧性细菌、放线菌和真菌的数量没有显著性影响 ;土壤氨化细菌、自生固氮菌和纤维素降解菌的数量在培养中期有些差异 ,但差异并不持续 ;对土壤蛋白酶、中性磷酸酶、脲酶和土壤呼吸强度没有显著性影响 ;土壤脱氢酶对转基因克螟稻秸秆的添加极其敏感。转基因克螟稻秸秆处理土壤中脱氢酶的活性在培养的前 9周明显地高于非转基因秸秆处理土壤 (p <0 0 5 )。尽管如此 ,培养 63d后 ,两种秸秆处理土壤脱氢酶活性差异逐渐消失。试验结果表明 。
Differences in the population of culturable microorganisms and the enzymatic act ivities between soils amended with Bt transgenic rice straw and non-Bt-transge nic rice straw, respectively, were investigated under laboratory conditions No significant differences( p <0 05)were observed in CFU (colony-forming un its) of culturable bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi between the two soils Alt hough some apparent differences were observed in the populations of ammonifying bacteria, nitrogen-fixing bacteria and cellulose-decomposing bacteria in the middle of the incubation, they did not last long Responses of various soil enz ymes to the incorporation of Bt-transgenic rice straw and non-Bt-transgenic r ice straw varied No significant differences( p <0 05)in protease activit ies, neutral phosphatase activities, urease activities and respiration activitie s were found between the soil amended with Bt-transgenic rice straw and the soi l blended with non-Bt-transgenic rice straw Soil dehydrogenase was more sens itive than the other enzymes to amendment of the Bt-transgenic rice straw into soil Dehydrogenase activities in the soil amended with Bt-transgenic rice str aw were significantly higher( p <0 05)as compared to those in the soil wit h non-Bt-transgenic rice straw, and the apparent differences in the soil dehyd rogenase activities, however, disappeared after incubation for 63 days Results indicate that the cry1Ab toxin in straw s of Bt-transgenic rice appears to be in toxic to the culturable microorganisms i n upland soil
Acta Pedologica Sinica
国家自然科学基金项目 (2 0 1770 2 1
3 0 0 70 15 6)资助