目的 研究成人下颌髁状突软骨潮标区纤维结构及其意义。方法 2 0例成人髁状突石蜡切片行Van -Gieson、茜素红S染色 ,光镜、偏光显微镜观察 ;5例髁状突冷冻断裂 ,扫描电镜观察。结果 未钙化软骨深层胶原纤维汇聚并斜行通过潮标区 ,与钙化蜡软骨内纤维相连续 ;平行于钙化软骨表面的层状纤维束环绕整个潮标区域 ,负重区较宽 ,与斜行纤维交织成网状。结论 潮标区斜行纤维与层状纤维相互交织 。
Objective To study the collagen framework of the tidemark in human mand ibular condylar cartilage and its significance .Method Paraffi n-embeded sections of tw enty asult human mandibular condyles were dyed with Van-Grieson and Alizarin red S,a nd observed by light microscopy and polarmivroscopy;another five condyles were s tudied by scanning dlectron mivroscopy after cryfracture.Result The collagen fi brils of the non-calcified carilage gathered into larger bundles and inclined ac ross the tidemark,then were continuous with those of the calcified zone la band of layer-oriented fibrils paralleling the surface of the calcified cartilage sur rounded the whole tidemark region,which were wider in the load-bearing areas tha n that in the nonload-bearing areas and which interweaved with the inclined fibr ils so as to form a net .Conclusion Inclined and layer-oriented fibrils interwea ve with each other in the tidemark region,which is correlated with the force on the articular surface.
Journal of Clinical Stomatology