采用中西医结合的方法治疗皮肤黏膜淋巴结综合征 33例 ,结果 :全部治愈。体温降至正常平均时间为 (6 5± 2 5 )天 ,平均住院日为 (2 1 4± 5 3)天。本病病机特点是卫气营血传变 ,气营两燔、热毒瘀滞 ,基本治法为清热解毒。
Thirty three cases of mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome were treated by combined Chinese and western medicine.Results:All cases were cured;on average,the body temperature reduced to the normal by (6 5±2 5) days and the hospitalization time took (21 4±5 3) days.It concluded that this syndrome is caused by qi blood heat,heat toxin and stasis accumulation;and its treatment aims to clear heat and relieve toxin,activate blood and unblock collaterals.
Shanghai Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine