Aim To understand the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutation profiles in or al mucosa cells of smokers with lung cancer, so as to determine the association of these mutations with the development of lung cancer and assess the possibilit y of mtDNA mutations as the biological indicators for lung cancer prediction.Met hods The buccal mucosal cell and peripheral blood samples were obtained from 12 lung cancer patients including 10 smokers and 2 non-smokers for screening of ac quired mtDNA mutations by means of temporal temperature gradient gel electrophor esis (TTGE),followed by mtDNA sequence analysis. Results Altogether 26 somatic m utations were identified in 11 out of the 12 (92%) patients,and 15 (58%) of th ese mutations were located in the mtDNA D-loop hypervariable region and 11 (42. 31%) in the mitochondrial mRNA.Except for the length variation at the site of 3 03-309, no other microsatellite instability or common 5 kb deletion were detect ed in the samples examined.Conclusion There is a high incidence of mtDNA mutatio ns in oral mucosa cells in smokers with lung cancer.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation