上海图书馆面向公众、科研、政府三个领域广泛地开展服务 ,形成了服务于社会大众与服务于科技活动和政府决策研究的服务模式。上海图书馆的发展目标是将被动的资源检索变为主动的知识导航 ,把传统的图书馆服务与网络技术结合起来 ,在信息资源的整合、开发和个性化服务等方面进行基于新技术与服务手段的创新 。
Shanghai Library has developed a service mode of serving the general public, research and sci tech community, and policy makers and legislators since the merging of the Shanghai Library and the Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of Shanghai (ISTIS) in 1995. The new Shanghai Library works to combine the function of a traditional library with a virtual system, making progress in the application of new technology and service methods in aspects such as integrating and developing information resources, and providing reference services and personalized services, thus extending the library service to the whole society.
Journal of The Library Science Society of Sichuan