目的 :提高对成人隐匿阴茎的认识和治疗水平。方法 :抽吸或切除阴阜部堆积的大部分脂肪组织 ,切断阴茎根部的Camper筋膜、纤维条索化的Scarpa筋膜和阴茎浅悬韧带延长阴茎。结果 :应用此术治疗 2 3例患者 ,阴茎外形满意。结论 :与其他修复隐匿阴茎的外科方法相比 ,损伤小 ,对改善隐匿阴茎外形及功能更加理想。
Objective: To study the diagnosis and treatment of buried penis. Methods: The fat tissue before the pubic symphysis was cut off by use of external ultrasound assisted liposuction. The penis was revealed and enlonged after Camper's fascia,Scarpa's fascia and suspense ligament were cut off. Results: From February 1998 to November 2002,23 patients with beried penis were cured by our surgical correction. The outcoming was successful and the appearance of penis was good. Conclusion: Compared with other methods,the sugical method can correct the penile deformation with less damage and the shape and function of the penis is better.
Medical Journal of Wuhan University