云南省地处中国西南边疆 ,竹类资源十分丰富 ,被誉为“世界竹类的故乡”。云南各族人民的日常生产和生活与竹子息息相关 ,竹类资源的合理开发和竹产业综合发展不但具有得天独厚的自然条件和较好的群众基础 ,而且具有较好的科研基础和技术力量 ,开发前景十分广阔。但竹产业起步较晚 ,发展明显滞后 ,与丰富的资源和优越的条件不相适应。该探讨对云南竹产业开发中应该引起重视的几个问题 。
As one of the original places and modern distribution centers of bamboo plants of the world, Yunnan is very abundant in bamboo resources. Yunnan is generally known as the native place of bamboos all over the world. As bamboos are closely related to traditional habits of local residents who plant and use bamboos and eat bamboo shoots, an excellent foundation has been laid for the exploitation and utilization of bamboos. But development with the lower start and slow speed can't match with the rich resources and favorable conditions. In this paper, the related bamboo industry and the mountain area economic construction, the foundation and objective, the strategic approaches and the development tactics of Yunnan bamboo industry are discussed.
Journal of Bamboo Research