为了预防严重急性呼吸综合征在医院内传播 ,我院从 2 0 0 3年 3月收治第一例严重急性呼吸综合征患者开始 ,逐渐摸索 ,制定了一套严格的消毒隔离制度和防护措施 ,主要包括病区硬件设施、病区消毒、工作人员防护、患者的隔离防护及患者物品消毒等。实践证明有效的消毒隔离及防护工作 ,对控制严重急性呼吸综合征在医院内传播是十分有效和可行的。
To prevent the emission of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndromes(SARS)in the hospital ,we groped for the sterilization and isolation system and protection measures after we treated the first patient of SARS in Mar.2003.These measures include establishment of ward hardware; sterilization to ward; protection to hospital workers; patients isolation protection and patients' effects sterilization. It is proved that good sterilization and isolation system can effectively control the emission of SARS. Moreover, we discussed some issues met in the work of protection ward.
Journal of Nursing Administration