社会保障和社会工作都是近、现代工业社会解决社会问题的举措。前者是以国家和政府为运作主体、建立在普遍性和强制性原则基础上的社会政策和社会制度 ;后者是社会工作者与案主互为主体 ,建立在“助人自助”理念基础上的专业性和职业化助人活动。在我国社会转型时期 ,把社会工作和社区保障结合起来 ,开展社会工作中的社区保障 ,编织一张社会安全网 ,对于有效地解决社区问题是一项非常必要和有意义的工作。为此 ,必须加快社会工作的学科建设和实务介入 ,推动社会工作中的社区保障之深入开展。
Social support and social work are the measures the modern and contemporary industrial society uses to solve the social problems. The former is the social policy and social system with the state and government as the subject, based on being general and forceful; the latter refers to the professional helping activity with the social worker and the case master as the mutual subjects, based on “helping oneself by helping others”. During the period of social transformation of our country, it is very much necessary and important to combine the social work with the community support, to develop the community support in social work, to weave a social safety net. Therefore speed up the construction of the course and its practice in social work, push forward the deep development of community support in social work.
Jianghai Academic Journal