
用于互联网遥操作的基于速率的点对点传输协议的研究 被引量:1

Rate-based end-to-end transport protocol for internet teleoperation
摘要 互联网的传输时延、时延抖动、带宽限制和带宽变化都对遥操作不利,但互联网的这种通信条件常作为给定条件,很少有人专门研究.互联网传输层的两个协议TCP和UDP以及其他新开发的实时应用协议都不适合于基于互联网的遥操作系统的数据传输,为此,本文首先为基于互联网的遥操作系统提出了一种新的拥塞控制算法,开发了基于速率的点对点三项式传输协议.然后,从理论上说明该协议能够探测网络状态变化,并对这种网络带宽变化是易响应的;另外,该协议也是协议内部公平、协议间公平和有效收敛的.最后,通过仿真比较可以推知,该协议能最小化时延和时延抖动及丢包率. The Internet communication time delay, delay jitter and bandwidth limitation and variation are unfavorable to the teleoperation system. However, such data communications through the Internet is treated as given conditions and rarely touched. The two Internet transport layer protocols TCP and UDP and other newly developed protocols for realtime applications are not adaptable for data transportation of the Internetbased teleoperation. A novel congestion control algorithm is presented. Based on this algorithm, an endtoend rate based transport protocol named the trinomial protocol is developed. Then, it is demonstrated theoretically that this protocol is capable to detect the status of the Internet and is responsive to the change quickly. It is also intraprotocol fair, interprotocl fair and efficiency convergent. It can be seen from comparison in simulation that it can minimum the delay, delay jitter and loss rate.
出处 《哈尔滨工程大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 2003年第3期273-277,共5页 Journal of Harbin Engineering University
关键词 遥操作 拥塞控制算法 互联网传输协议 teleoperation congestion control algorithm internet transportation protocol.
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