通过对洪泽湖周边河蟹生长各阶段在自然条件与人工调节气象条件下生长差异的实地对比观测研究 ,得出 :在育幼期合理调节气象条件 ,蟹苗成活率可提高到 5 0 %~ 6 0 % ,全育期缩短 15~ 2 0d ,节约成本 30 %以上 ;在生长期合理利用气象条件 ,河蟹死亡率、发病率明显降低 ,取得了明显的经济效益。进一步提出了河蟹生长各阶段气象服务要点和防御对策。
Field studies were conducted around Hongze Lakes to observe the differences on the development of river crab between natural and adjusted meteorological conditions for river crab raising. The effects of meteorological conditions on the present raising models of river crab were analyzed. Under reasonable adjusted meteorological conditions, in infant stage the survival rate of river crabs increased by 50-60%; Total raising period shortened by 15-20 days, and the costs declined by over 30%; During growth period, the death rate and the incidence of diseases dropped obviously by reasonable adjusted meteorological conditions. Based on the analysis of influences of disadvantage weather and meteorological disaster on the river crab raising, the main meteorological services and strategies for trending advantages and avoiding disadvantages were proposed.
Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology