
亚洲金融合作的研究现状、发展历程与路径选择 被引量:2

Research Status Quo,Development and Alternative of Asian Monetary Cooperation
摘要 为了应对经济区域化和金融危机的冲击以及区域货币合作的挑战,亚洲各国走上了金融合作之路。目前国内外对金融合作的研究主要集中在四个方面。亚洲金融合作在“清迈协议”、历次政府首脑会议以及财长银行行长会议的框架下已经取得了初步成效,但期待进一步改进与完善。亚洲金融合作应实施渐进式分布交叉的多重货币合作、宏观经济政策协调趋同发展模式。 In order to respond to the economic regionalizaton and the impact of financial crisis and meet the challenge of regional monetary cooperation, Asian countries choose to head for financial cooperation. Recent researches, at home and abroad, on financial cooperation cover four respects. Progress has been made on it in Chiang Mai Treaty on Asian monetary cooperation and under the framework of the past conferences of state head, financial ministers and presidents of Central Banks. However, there is much room for further development. Asian financial cooperation should follow the mode of gradual-cross-multi-monetary cooperation. Asian countries should pursue their macro economic policies identically for further progress hand in hand.
作者 李富有
出处 《华南金融研究》 2003年第3期41-46,共6页 South China Financial Research
关键词 亚洲 金融合作 发展历程 货币联盟 经济区域化 金融危机 宏观经济政策 Financial cooperation 10 + 3 Monetary Alliance
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