通过理论分析与实验验证提出一种全新的完全非接触料位测量方法。对容器外壁施加机械激励 ,并对在容器外壁上检测到的机械波进行建模、参数估计 ,从而得出内部物料界面的信息。全部测量装置都在容器外部 ,高度冗余 ,是一种可靠 ,方便 ,无污染 ,廉价的完全非接触测量方法。
A brand new entirely contactless way to measure the Material Level was brought forward. through theory research and experimentation. Inspired with mechanical impulse from outside on the vessel wall, a mechanical wave will spread on the vessel wall. With modern signal processing of identification and analysis, we can get the information of the material level from the vibration of the wall. Since all the parts of instrument are located out of the vessel and highly redundancy, this is a high reliable, entirely contactless, clean, convenience, cheapness way to measure the material level.
Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators