目前新疆农田土壤中的有效态微量元素含量与第二次土壤普查相比 ,土壤中的有效态锰下降了 5 3 .5 8% ,有效态铁下降了 3 3 .41 % ,有效态铜下降 47.5 1 % ,锌和硼的有效态含量略有提高 ;调查的 7种土壤类型中锌的含量差异较小 ,铁、锰、硼和铜 4种微量元素在不同土壤类型中的有效态含量差异较大。
Compared with the second soil survey,efficacious microelements content changed obviously in XinJiang.The content of efficacious manganese reduced 53.58%,irron-33.41%,copper-47.51%.But the content of efficacious zinc and boron raised slightly.The content of zinc varied less in 7 investigated soil,but iron ,boron and Manganese had changed more in 4 kinds of soil.
Journal of Tarim University of Agricultural Reclamation