应急模型是潜艇航行训练模拟器中很重要的一部分。该文对潜艇水下潜航状态下会出现的三种紧急状况进行了分析 ,其中潜艇舱室破损进水是导致潜艇失事的比较严重而常见的情况 ,文中提出了一种新的潜艇舱室破损进水模型 ,这种模型考虑了破损位置和面积这些因素。另外 ,在非常紧急情况下 ,高压吹除和抛弃压载等措施是挽回潜艇的重要手段 ,该文也对这两个过程进行了建模。文章最后对应急过程的几种情况分别进行了仿真分析。结果表明所建立的模型是正确有效的。
The model of emergency maneuver in the submarine voyage training simulator is very crucial which will affect the training of crews. There are three kinds of emergency situation are discussed in the paper. Compared with other situateions, water rushing in caused by cabin of submarine damaged is more severe. The model of water rushing in is presented which take into account the damaged position and area. Under some very serious situations, when rudder and ballast water have no effect, high-pressure gas blowing and ballast abandoning are available. These two measures are modeled too. In the last section, we simulate the water rushing in, ballast abandoning and high-pressure gas blowing with the presented models. According the simulation results, the models are correct and effective.
Computer Simulation