针对隔振理论研究领域中舰船的振动和噪声控制问题 ,建立六维[1,2 ] 平置板式弹性浮筏的多机组隔振理论分析计算模型 ,导出了弹性浮筏传递功率流的表达式 ,从振动能量传输的角度来评价浮筏系统隔振效果 ,绘制了功率谱曲线 ,揭示机组的布置 ,筏架刚度等结构参数对功率流传递的影响 。
Ship vibration and noise control by the isolation theory are studied in this paper. The dynamic 6 dimensional model on the flexible floating raft equipment with multi machines is established to analyze and calculate the power flow. The power flow transmission expression of the floating raft equipment is derived to evaluate the isolation effect of the floating raft equipment from the point of view of vibration energy transmission and the curve of power flow spectra is plotted. The influence of the machines, the raft and the foundation's parameters on the power flow transmitted into the flexible foundation are investigated. A general rule is given to choose the structural parameters.
Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics