目的 :评价超声乳化摘除晶状体联合前段玻璃体切割治疗恶性青光眼的疗效 ,并对具体操作手法作一介绍。方法 :对 2 3例青光眼术后恶性青光眼患者行联合手术 ,回顾分析其临床资料。结果 :全部病例术后前房形成 ,其中 2 0例眼压控制良好 ,1例需加用抗青光眼药物治疗 ,2例再行阀门管植入术以控制眼压。 2 2例视功能得到不同程度的改善。结论 :超声乳化摘除晶状体联合前段玻璃体切割是治疗恶性青光眼的有效手段。
Objective:To evaluate the effect of phacoemulsification combined with anterior vitrectomy in the management of malignant glaucoma.Methods:Combined surgery was performed on 23 eyes with malignant glaucoma. The data were analyzed retrospectively.Results:The resolution of malignant glaucoma was achieved in all cases,of which 20 eyes had nomal intraocular pressure without any antiglaucomatous treatment after surgery. In addition,visual acuity improved in 22 cases.Conclusion:Phacoemulsification combined with anterior vitrectomy is an effective procedure in the management of malignant glaucoma.[
Chinese Journal of Optometry & Ophthalmology