本文对面向结构的系统分析方法和面向对象的分析方法进行了比较,并 采用面向对象的分析方法(Coad—Yourdon法)对抽油杆锻模CAD系统 进行分析建模,详细说明了工步图类、装配类等几种类及类的属性和层 次关系。分析和其他锻模系统的异同,指出了对该系统进行通用扩展的 可能和途径。
The similarities and differences between the object-oriented analyzing methods and the structure-oriented analyzing methods are discussed in the paper, analyzing and modeling for CAD system for Sucker rods forging mould by the object-oriented analyzing methods. This text elaborates on class work-step diagram, class assembly etc and their attributes and arragment-relation. By analyzing the similarities and differences with the other forging mould system, we found a way to expand the function of the CAD system for our system.
Computer Aided Engineering