为说明敦煌莫高窟第 85窟颜料目前所处的状态 ,用色度计和CIE1 976年表色系统进行选点监测 ,并进行X衍射分析。分析、监测结果表明 ,第 85窟颜料有 7种颜色 ,其中绿色颜料是最稳定的一种。颜色的色度值不仅反映了颜料当前所处的状态 ,而且对了解古代画师调色、技法、配比等提供一定的线索。
In order to realize the changed color condition of Cave 85 at Mogao Grottoes, the color change of Cave 85 was studied by chroma meter and XRD. The paper demonstrates the existing condition of colors of 7 kinds of pigments at Cave 85. Tendency of color change of different pigments is different in chroma figure, atacamite especially stable at Cave 85. Chroma data is relevant to the historical background and the technique of the paintings. These things as a whole for the scientific bases of further conservation should be thorght.
Sciences of Conservation and Archaeology