Objective: To check the effect of Diphereline in IVF - ET. Methods; Using several doses of Diphereline on 112 infertile patients according to the number of their basic oocytes respectively, using conventional tropic superovulation until the maturing of the oocytes. Oocytes were extracted by transvaginal ultrasound guided. In vitro fertilization, cleavage were carried in cultural laboratory. Embryo of high - quality were chosen and transferred into the uterus. Results: There is no obvious difference on the number of oocytes obtained and grade I oocytes obtained, the rate of clinical pregnancy, the occurrence rate of ovarian gyperstimulation syndrome. The fertilization rates were above 70%. The cleavage rate were above 93%. Conclusion : Different doses of Diphereline are very helpful to obtain high - quality oocytes and prone to be accepted by the patients as a delay - released medicine.
Chinese Journal of Family Planning