提出了地质因素对震害风险影响的评价问题 ,分析与选择了有关的地层因素指标。给出了指标的量化表达方式与论域空间 ,从烈度的角度对不同地震、震中距、区域条件下的建筑物震害数据进行了归一化处理。针对邢台、海城等大震的震害与地层资料 ,建立了地层岩性、深度、厚度等因素与震害程度之间的模糊因果律推理模型 ,给出了多维可能性 -概率模糊风险的算法。由模糊信息传递的方式解决了可能性 -概率风险分析过程中地层与震害变量空间分离的问题 ,并在此基础上完成了可以衡量相关因素之“贡献”量的风险评价方法。然后通过实例说明了如何用这种方法针对地层因素进行震害风险评价。
Risk analysis about earthquake involves many different aspects such as seismic intensity, site condition, distribution and antiseismic capability of buildings, supporting system of disaster precautions and rescue etc. However, little effort has been made to quantitatively research the influences of these factors on earthquake disaster risk so far. In this paper, the evaluation of the influence of geological factors on earthquake disaster risk is discussed in detail. There are many geological factors that influence significantly the degree of seismic hazard, such as stratum, groundwater, topography, seismogenic faults etc, among which the stratum plays an important role. The algorithm for evaluating the influence of geological factors on earthquake hazard risk is established here by considering mainly stratum, especially soft formation. The evaluating indexes are mainly lithology, buried depth and thickness of the stratum, and the lithology index is quantitated with shear wave velocity ( v s). In order to elementarily dispel the interference of earthquake magnitude and epicentral distance in the analysis of the relationship between earthquake hazard of the buildings and the site conditions, it is necessary to normalize the earthquake hazard data from different intensity background by timing a coefficient. After dividing by the maximum of the obtained data, the normalized data is simply called Relative Earthquake Disaster Coefficient of Buildings ( RDC ). The risk factors are very complicated, so it is extremely difficult to collect enough data and set an organic connection between the geological factors and earthquake hazard variables in statistic meanings. Therefore, the theory and methodology of fuzzy system are needed for the analysis. After giving the domains of the variables, a fuzzy relation matrix between lithology ( L ), thickness ( T ), depth ( D ) of the stratum and RDC can be established with Multi dimension Information Distribution. On the basis of it, the Possibility Probability Fu
Seismology and Geology
国家自然科学基金 (4 99710 0 1)