因学校对学生及其家长施加种种压力而产生的学生“隐性流失”是“普九”中的普遍现象。“隐性流失”从法律关系的角度看 ,其实质是九年制义务教育法律关系中义务人对权利人接受并完成九年制义务教育权利实施侵害甚至剥夺的结果 ,是对我国教育法律规范侵犯的结果。从违法行为人主观方面看 ,“隐性流失”包含的违法有两种 :一是主观故意的违法 ,二是主观过失的违法。确保学校和政府的“义务人”法律地位 ,应该成为控制“隐性流失”的关键。
The recessive drain'resulted from bringing all kinds pressure to bear on students and their parents by school is a widespread phenomenon in the process of popularizing nine year-compulsory education. At the angle of legal relation, its essence results from the obligors infringing and depriving obligees' rights receiving and accomplishing nine year-compulsory education among the legal relation of nine year-compulsory education and our law criterion of education being encroached on. At the aspect of subjectivity, 'the recessive drain' includes two kinds of irregularity: one is subjective and intentional irregularity, the other is subjective negligence irregularity. Insuring the school's and the government's obligor status should become the keys of controlling 'the recessive drain'.
Journal of Bingtuan Education Institute