将 4 0只BALB/c小鼠随机分为 2组 ,A组以VR10 2 0免疫作为对照 ,B组以TS2 1抗原基因的真核表达型质粒VTS2 1免疫。用ELISA检测免疫小鼠IgG总量和特异性抗体水平 ,MTT比色法检测小鼠脾淋巴细胞伴刀豆蛋白A(ConA)刺激的增殖反应及IL 2的诱生活性 ,常规法检测外周血免疫细胞数量的动态变化。结果显示 ,VTS2 1免疫小鼠血清的IgG含量和特异性抗体效价显著高于对照组小鼠 ;免疫小鼠脾淋巴细胞ConA刺激增殖反应和IL 2诱生活性均比对照组小鼠显著增强 ;免疫小鼠的淋巴细胞、巨噬细胞等免疫细胞的数量也显著超过对照组。免疫小鼠的细胞和体液免疫反应显著增强 ,表明VTS2 1具有很强的免疫激活作用 。
BALB/c mice were randomlydivided into t wo groups and twice inoculated intramuscularly with different plasmids at the in terval of 14 days. Group A was injected with VR1020, a eukaryotic expression pla smid, as control group. Group B was injected with VTS21,a recombinant pl asmidcontaining a TS21 antigenetic gene of cysticercus cellulosae. The a mount of IgG and the titres of specific antibody of immunized mice were determin edby ELISA assay, and the immune cells of mice were accounted as the rou tine method. The proliferative reaction of lymphocytes stimulated with Con A was detected in the spleen of the mice; the bioactivity of interleukin-2 induc ed by Con A was investigated by MTT assay. The experimental results show tha t the amounts of total IgG and specific antibody of the immunized mice were rema rkably higher than thoseofthe control group;the prolifer ative activity and the level of induced interleukin-2 bioactivitysi gnificantly increased in the lymphocytes of spleen from immunized mice. Lymphocy tes, macrophages and neutrophils of immunized mice have remarkably elevated in c omparison with those of the control. These indicated that DNA vaccination with V TS21 significantly enhanced the humoral and cellular immune responsesof mice, and VTS21 can effectively raise the immune responses of BALB/c mice agains t cysticercus cellulosae. So TS21 gene can be employed as a putative immunoprote ctive gene in the further development of DNA vaccine against swine cysticerosis.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology
高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助项目 ( 9410 0 6)