在全国流行病学调查的基础上 ,选择四川等地流行广泛的鸭疫里氏杆菌 (RA) 1、2、4和5血清型菌株制备铝胶佐剂四价灭活疫苗。对疫苗经无菌检验及安全检验合格后 ,给 3日龄樱桃谷商品鸭每只颈背皮下注射 0 .5mL ,第 10、13和 16d免疫鸭对同源RA的攻击分别表现出 5 %~2 0 %、75 %~ 90 %和 10 0 %免疫保护力 ,第 2 3~ 30d免疫保护力开始下降。用间接ELISA对免疫鸭进行抗体消长规律检测 ,表明 3日龄樱桃谷鸭首免后第 2 3d抗体达到高峰 ,至 93日龄时仍能检出抗体 ;10日龄时进行二免后可产生更高的抗体水平 ,到第 65d时仍能保持较高抗体水平。疫苗免疫雏鸭能够显著 (P <0 .0 5 )或极显著 (P <0 .0 1)地增强其T细胞的免疫力 ,时间达 2周。经攻毒保护试验、抗体消长规律测定、T细胞免疫水平测定和田间试验 ,证明研制的鸭疫里氏杆菌病(RAI)四价灭活疫苗具有良好的安全性和免疫原性 。
The inactivated tetravalent Riemerella a natipestifer vaccine which contained serotypes 1, 2, 4, 5 chosen on the basis of nationwide epizootiology survey and employed alhydrogel as adjuvant was inoculated subcutaneously to 3-day-old ducklings with a dose of 0.5 mL p er duck after sterility test and safety inspection.Homologous challenge demonstr ated that immunoprotect ive rates were 5%-20%, 70%-90% and 100% 10, 13, 16 days post vaccination respect ively and began to decline 23-30 days post vaccination. Indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) showed that specific antibody peaked 23 days post va ccination in titer and could still be detected 93 days post vaccination. Antibod y level in the revaccination group was higher and was relatively high 65 days po st vaccination. The notably enhanced cell mediated immunity in the experiment gr oup was different (P<0.05) or very different (P< 0.01) from the control and was about 2 weeks in duration. Comprehensive analysis of the protective rate, antibody level and cell-mediated immunity suggested th at this vaccine attained its efficacy by cooperation of humoral immunity and cel l mediated immunity it stimulated. This inactivated tetravalent Riemerel la anatipestifer vaccine which was reliable and immunogenic in laborator y and field experiment proved excellent in preventing Riemerella anatipe stifer infection in duck-farming industry.
Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science and Technology
教育部重点项目 ( 0 110 2 )
四川省"十五"攻关项目 ( 0 10 0 2 40 0 13 )