利用多效唑进行灌根(0,10,20,50ppm)和喷苗(0,50,100,200ppm)处理,茎的伸长和叶面积的扩展有明显的抑制作用,同时也促进了茎的加粗生长和根系发育,提高叶片中叶绿素的含量,以及增加幼苗的抗寒性。多效唑还明显地降低了黄瓜第一雌花节位和雌花和雄花的比值((?)/(?))。多效唑50ppm 和100ppm 喷苗处理分别比对照增产(总产量)9.3%和13.6%。用10ppm GA_3喷苗,有效地逆转了多效唑对幼苗形态的影响,使其接近于对照幼苗的水平。
The effects of paclobutrazol on growth,sex expression and resistance to chilling in ju- ry of cucumber seedlings and fruit yields were examined in a series of pots and field.Stem elongation and leaf area growth were inhibited.But stem diameter and root development were stimulated,leaf chlorophyll was increased and chilling susceptility was decreased at all levels of paclgbutrazol tested.These changes caused by paclobutrazol in cucumber seedling were reversed effectively by GA_3.Paclobutrazol decreased node location of lst fe- male and increased femaleness also.The total fruit yield was increased 9.3% to 13.6% at 50 ppm and 100ppm,respectively.
Journal of Jilin Agricultural Sciences