古羌族的发展与民族融合和汉、回等族不同 ,汉、回民族在历史发展中象“滚雪球”一样地不断充实、壮大 ,而古羌族正是为汉、回民族吸收新鲜外来血液提供丰富来源的“供血站”之一。本文力求在古籍与前人的研究中整理出古羌族迁移、发展、融合、消亡的足迹。
The development and the assimilation of ancient Qiang nationality is quite different to that of nationality such as the Hui and Han nationality.With it development,the ancient Qiang nationality was assimilated,absorbed in the Hui and Han nationality.Based on precious achievement done before,the article will try to trace migration?development?assimilation and disappearance of the ancient nationality.
Qinghai Journal of Ethnology