城市轨道交通噪声主要由轮轨噪声、动力设备噪声、结构振动噪声组成。降低轮轨噪声 ,是城市轨道交通降噪的关键之一。不同的轨道结构 ,具有不同的减振降噪能力。减振降噪型轨道结构分三类 :弹性扣件、弹性支承块和浮置板。根据这三类减振降噪型轨道结构 ,提出对降噪要求不同的地区 。
Vibration and noise of urban rail transit have become an intractable probelm. The noise consists of three parts: that induced by wheel and rail; by engine and by viaduct structure. Reducing the wheel/rail noise is the key to solve the problem. Different track structures have specific noise depressing capacities. Low vibration and noise track structure has three types: elastic fastener system, elastic supporting block and floating slab. According to their structural features, this paper argues that the selection of the track structure must meet the requirements of differnent regions for the intensity of vibration and noise.
Urban Mass Transit