对 14个枣品种的裂果指数及其与解剖结构的相关性进行了研究。结果表明 ,不同枣品种之间裂果指数存在显著差异 ,三变红品种裂果指数最高 ,太谷葫芦枣、金丝小枣、油枣次之 ,柳林木枣、板枣、尖枣等品种不易裂果。枣果角质层厚度与裂果指数间相关不显著 ,表皮细胞层数、亚表皮细胞层数、表皮厚度及中果皮细胞排列紧密程度与裂果指数间存在显著负相关关系 ;中果皮细胞大小、维管束粗细及多少。
The correlation of fruit crack indices and anatomica l in san bian hong etc 14 Jujube varieties were studied. The results showed th at the indices of crack fruit of vary varieties have significant difference, sa n bian hong was the highest , take tunes was tai gu hu lu zao, jin si xiao zao , you zao , lui lin mu zao , ban zao and jian zao resist crack fruit.The correla tion between fruit cracking and anatomical structure of epicarp were: the correl ation of thickness of cuticle layer and indices of crack fruit was not significa nt, moreover, numbers of epidermal cell layer, numbers of sub epide rmal cell layer, thickness of epicarp and indices of crack fruit have significan t negative correlation. The relationship between fruit crack and anatomical stru cture of mesocarp were: arranging compactnees of mesocarp cell and indices of cr ack fruit have significant negative correlation, and the size of mesocarp cell , thickness and amount of crepuscular, size and amount of cavity have not signific ant correlation.
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica