采用金相观察、差热分析和X射线衍射等方法 ,分析确定了稀土永磁合金———(Sm ,Dy Fe Co)的 (Sm ,Dy)Fe2 (Sm ,Dy)Co2 的变温截面图 ;寻找出了合金的晶格常数的大小随合金中元素变化的规律性 .相图由 2个单相区 ,2个两相区和 2个三相区组成 ,包含有两个三元包晶反应 ;
The temperature variation section phase diagram of the rare earth transition permanent magnet alloy (Sm,Dy Fe Co) is inverstigated by means of metallography, DTA and x ray diffraction. The phase diagram consists of two single phase regions, two two phase regions and two three phase regions. The change law of the crystal lattice constant is found, i.e. the crystal lattice constant decreases with the increase of Co content in the alloy.
Journal of Shenyang Institute of Technology