本试验选用带有永久性瘤胃瘘管的利杂一代生长肥育肉牛 3头 ,研究了不同能量水平对肉牛瘤胃pH值、氨氮浓度、VFA和NDF、ADF代谢的影响。研究结果表明 ,采食低、中、高三种能量水平日粮的生长肥育肉牛瘤胃液PH值分别为 7.0 5± 0 .15、7.0 0± 0 .19、7.0 3± 0 .14 ,三种日粮间差异不显著 (p >0 .0 5 ) ;瘤胃液NH3-N浓度三种日粮平均值分别为 4 .4 1± 0 .88、3.4 7± 0 .72和 3.10± 0 .85mg 10 0ml,低能量组与中、高能量组差异显著 (p <0 .0 5 ) ;增加日粮能量含量 ,会降低乙酸产量 ;丙酸浓度低能量水平日粮组最低 ,且与中、高能量水平日粮组之间差异显著 (p <0 .0 5 ) ,高能量日粮组高于中能量日粮组 ,但差异不显著 (p >0 .0 5 ) ;乙、丙酸比例也依次降低 ,平均值分别为 2 .93± 0 .16 :1、2 .4 1± 0 .11:1和 2 .0 9± 0 .15 :1,低能量水平日粮显著高于高能量水平日粮 (p <0 .0 5 ) ;增加日粮中NSC含量 ,对瘤胃食糜中NDF、ADF含量无显著影响 (p >0 .0 5 )。
Three beefs of Limousin×Luxi with permanent rumen fistula were chosen to research the pH?NH3-N?VFA?NDF and ADF in rumen.A 3 × 3 complete Latin square design was applied.Results showed that pH of rumen fluid was 7.05±0.15?7.00±0.19 and 7.03±0.14(p>0.05)respectively in the low?mid?high energy levels, that the difference of NH3-N concentration of rumen was significant between the low-energy level and mid-?high-energy level(p<0.05).The concentration of propionic acid was lower in the low-energy level than in mid- and high-energy level(p<0.05).The difference of ratio of acetic acid/ propionic acid was significant between the low-energy level and high-energy level(p<0.05).With the enlargement of NSC in feed, the acetic acid production decreased, and the difference of NDF and ADF concentration wasn't significant in rumen chime.
Journal of Shandong Agricultural University:Natural Science Edition