介绍了德国对排水管道设施状况 ,结构性病害的调查及对病害的修复整治情况。特别是德国为了减少初期雨水、合流制系统雨季超过截流倍数进入河道的雨污混合水 ,建设了大量的各类雨水池 ,这些雨水池的设置对保护河道水质起到了十分重要的作用。此外还介绍了德国目前排水管道高压冲洗清通的情况。
On the basis of special investigation on urban sewerage facilities, the comprehensive presentation on the recent status of Germany sewage system is presented in this paper. A great deal of problems will be included, from general information to failure avoidance related to the structure damages of sewerage lines. The German experiences on rainwater diverting into natural rivers in case when the flux in the combined sewer exceeded the preset intercepting threshold, is very suggested, for this rainwater retardant reservoirs have to be constructed to reduce the initial stormy-runoff, these are very important to protect the natural water ways. Also we paid attentions to pressured flushing, it has been widely used for sewer line purging and seems very high effective.
Water & Wastewater Engineering