Lhasa Area is confronting with serious environmental problems. About 39.67×104 hm2 of grassland is degraded, accounting for about 27.85 per cent of total grasslands, and over 5.74 per cent of arable land is de-sertified. Shortage of regular energy resources such as coal, oil and gas, the shrubs were cut off severely as firewood, which resulted in serious soil erosion and land desertification. Meanwhile, with the rapid urbanization, 36.5 per cent of the Lalu wetlands at the north of Lhasa city have been occupied by new buildings and roads. The causes for these problems are complicated and interactive. In addition to the natural factors, population and economic growth, shortage of rational regulations, and backward grassland management are the main socioeco-nomic root causes. As the result of population growth, the area of arable land per capita decreased from 0.141 hm2 in 1957 to 0.107 hm2 in 1997, although the total arable land area increased 50.48 per cent in the same period. And the grassland area per sheep unit decreased 55 per cent from 1.095 hm2 in 1959 to 0.493 hm2 in 1997. The regulations carried out in the mid - 1980s only regulated the ownership of grassland and livestock, without clear regulations on the utilization right of grassland, and grassland became public goods. This resulted in the dramatically increase of livestock and severely grassland degradation. It argued that eco-reconstruction is a comprehensive and systematic project. With the biological, engineering and technical means, social, economical and institutional countermeasures should also be taken into account and implemented, to assure the socio-economic feasibility and accessibility of eco-reconstruction. These countermeasures include population control in rural area, rational grassland regulations, grassland improvement, combination of farming and grazing, energy development, scientific urban planning, environmental facilities construction etc.
Mountain Research
socioeconomic countermeasures